Install another AADConnect for 21V Operated Office365 and sync users from on-premises
Download AADConnect latest version from the Url:
Once you have downloaded it, Click on Run
Select I agree to the license terms and privacy notice and click on Continue
Click on Customize
Select Federated with AD FS and Click Next
It is required as the 21V going to have Federated Authentication,
Enter the 21V Global Administrator Credentials and Click on Next
Select the Domains and Enter the Domain Administrator Credentials for the Domain you have selected
Once you have selected the domains and you can see the domains are already verified
Select the on-premises attributes to use as for Cloud services login, Ideally User Principal Name (UPN) is Selected for the users to login to Office 365 Services. If you want a different one, you can select a different attribute as well.
Select the OU Filtering, If you want Specific OU's if you want to sync, select the OU's and Click on Next
Select the Source Anchor attribute for the Cloud Uniqueness syncing/validation purposes.
Select Synchronize all users and devices and Click on Next
Since you have already done the Hybrid with Existing Global Office 365 Tenant, you can't do Exchange Hybrid with 21V Operated Office 365 which will remove the Exiting Settings and configurations done for Global Office 365 Tenant.
Enter On-Premises domain administrator Credentials and Click on Next
Since you already have AD FS Setup, Select Use an Existing AD FS Farm and Enter one Server that is available in the AD FS Farm, and Click on Next
Select the domains to be used for AD FS Authentication and click on Next
Select the, subdomains are selected by default
Click on Next
Select Start the synchronization process when configuration completes and Click on Install
Click on Next
Click on Verify
Ignore the warning for now since it is for the IPv6 and Click on Next
So far so good. We have completed one More AADConnect installation for 21V Office 365. To verify, Open AADConnect miisclient and validate the last sync status
Great.. sync has been completed successfully and it will begin delta sync cycles based on the schedule.
We have selected AD FS Authentications, Right? Let's validate from the AD FS Management Console end
You can see Another Relay Party for 21V Office365 was created and is ready to authenticate 21V Office 365 users
Required attributes are already Enabled for the authentication
From the Portal Side, Post completed the initial full sync, you can see the sync status and domains enabled.
To validate the authentications, Enable the license for the Synced On-Premises user account
You can see On-premises user account was enabled with Cloud-Based Mailbox.
Enter the URL: and enter the Email Address and Click on Next
You can see that It gets redirected to the On-Premises AD FS Page for Authentication. Enter the credentials for the user account and click on Sign in
You could see Authentication completed and reaching the 21V Office 365 and Click on Yes
You can see user is successfully logged in and Shown Cloud Applications to use
You simply click on Outlook and see the Outlook mailbox just opened for the user who has been logged in.
So far, We have implemented AADConnect and configured AD FS Authentication.